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Parenting for a Digital future – LSE report

Digital media have become deeply integrated into family life, extending old ways of connecting and introducing new ones. Contrary to what panicky headlines might have us believe, rather than displacing established ways of interacting, playing and communicating – digital media sit alongside them. Today, British families eat, shop and read together – and they watch TV, stream content, play video games, and use educational technology. They stop by to see friends and family and they text, use messaging apps and make video calls


www: www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/assets/documents/research/preparing-for-a-digital-future/P4DF-Survey-Report-1-In-the-digital-home.pdf   (PDF) 

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Niedyskretny profil – Fundacja Panoptykon

Niedyskretny profil, czyli co wie o Tobie Facebook (i inne portale społecznościowe). Infografika do pobrania : https://panoptykon.org/biblio/infografiki/niedyskretny-profil-czyli-co-wie-o-tobie-facebook-i-inne-portale-spolecznosciowe